Age of Sigmar: Chaos Battletome: Skaven 4th EdThe diabolical Skaven go to war in vast swarms, accompanied by monstrous mutants, unstable superweapons, and unnatural beings bestowed by their loathsome god. The combined clans strike out in endle...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Acolyte GlobadiersThe Acolyte Globadiers of the Clans Skryre are a step above the thrall-rats that toil on the production lines or serve as fodder for weapons testing. They are tinkers, miners, and munitionists, who...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Arch-WarlockAn Arch-Warlock crouches at the head of every Skryre clan. They are masters of lethal science, and they have personally overseen the creation of all manner of temperamental, but utterly deadly, tec...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Brood TerrorBrood Terrors are among the most hideous aberrations of the Clans Moulder. These twin-headed titans lurch between bouts of low cunning and bestial rage. Surrounded by clouds of mutagenic fog, they ...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Doom-Flayersoom-Flayers were originally designed as mining devices, but now they trundle behind massed formations of Clanrats and Stormvermin, their operators impatiently revving the warp-engine. Eventually th...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Krittok FoulbladeKrittok Foulblade is canny and cruel in equal measure, with a profound instinct for where his minions' deaths can best serve him. This same cold and calculating mindset is extended by the Clawlord ...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Master MoulderMaster Moulders are experts in stitching muscle and flesh into new forms, and using warpstone to trigger mutations that twist mortal corpus beyond recognition. They take warped pride in the monster...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Rat OgorsRat Ogors are rabid war-mutants created by grafting nimble Skaven to the muscled bulk of ogorkind through strange flesh-crafting, sorcery and infusing them with warpstone shards. These misbegotten ...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: StormverminStormvermin are easily identifiable by their relative bulk and aura of malice. Hand-picked from the most promising spawn of the litter – usually due to devouring many of their brood-mates – they ar...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Thanquol on BoneripperThanquol is fuelled by an addiction to warpstone and delusional self-confidence, remarkable even for a Skaven. While most of his plans go awry, he has become a master at spinning disasters to his a...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Vizzik Skour Prophet of the Horned RatVizzik Skour was created in the apocalyptic fires of the Vermindoom, and has the distinction of being the chief priest of the Horned Rat, Lord of the Gnaw, and master of the mind-shattering death f...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Warlock GalvaneerWarlock Galvaneers are connoisseurs of electrically charged annihilation. These twitchy maniacs are obsessed with channelling the voltaic energies that course through the veins of the Dark Innovato...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Warp-GrinderA Warp-Grinder is an arcane reality-boring machine. Manoeuvred by straining thralls and operated by Warlocks who have taken their obsession with undermining their foes to terrifying extremes, these...
Age of Sigmar: Skaven: Warpspark Weapon BatteryWarpspark Weapon Batteries are members of the Clans Skryre, who often go to war unnoticed among hordes of slavering Clanrats. When the time is right, they reveal themselves, unleashing their bizarr...
Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals: Lord CelestantLord-Celestants are cunning tacticians, ferocious fighters, and effective leaders. To the people of the realms, they are the avenging hand of the heavens walking among them. To the warriors they le...
Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals: Lord TerminosA Lord-Terminos is armed with a mighty blade with which they cut down enemies in great numbers, but they also take the heads of fellow Stormcasts. These grim figures are responsible for ushering th...
Age of Sigmar: Warscroll Cards: SkavenThe Skaven menace is a motley amalgamation of a wide variety of clans that often fight together, but also retain their independence. In a large pitched battle, you'll find warriors from every one, ...
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