Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: WraithguardPossessing deadly long-ranged weaponry, Wraithguard are constructs made from wraithbone, imbued with the spirit stones of dead Aeldari. The Wraithguard can be equipped with a wraith cannon, or a D-...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: WraithknightLooming ghost warriors many times larger than even the mighty Wraithlords, the war machines known as Wraithknights are still dextrous enough to run through the ruin of a shattered city, leaping fro...
Kill Team: Blades of KhaineBlades of Khaine are elite Aeldari fighting formations assembled for one purpose – severing a precise strand of fate to ensure a terrible future for their craftworld, or their race as a whole, neve...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari - Eldrad UlthranEldrad Ulthran was once chief amongst the Farseers of Ulthwé. Eldrad has lived for over ten thousand years, and has successfully guided his people along the twisting paths of fate since the Fall, a...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: Wave SerpentThe Wave Serpent is the main troop carrier of a Craftworld's army. Protected inside its hull and force field, Guardians and Aspect Warriors can be transported in safety to any part of the battlefie...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: GuardiansSo few in number are the Asuryani that every citizen must train for war, in case they should one day need to defend their craftworld. In times of peace these Aeldari pursue artistic and civic Paths...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: Howling BansheesHowling Banshees are swift and athletic troops who are famously deadly in hand-to-hand fighting, and are renowned for their ability to strike down the foe before they can so much as raise a weapon ...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: WraithlordTowering over its foes, the Wraithlord is controlled by the essence of one of the craftworld's mightiest warriors. Able to be equipped with a wide variety of Heavy Weapons, Assault Weapons and even...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: Death JesterEmbracing the role of Death in its entirety, there is no mercy in the heart of a Death Jester. His outsize shuriken cannon reaps a deadly toll on his enemies as each round, impregnated with virulen...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: ShadowseerSpiritseers are those upon the Witch Path who are called to commune with the dead – a chilling concept, even amongst the Asuryani. Although their main task is to shepherd wraithbone constructs to b...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari: SpiritseerSpiritseers are those upon the Witch Path who are called to commune with the dead – a chilling concept, even amongst the Asuryani. Although their main task is to shepherd wraithbone constructs to b...
Warhammer 40,000: Codex - Aeldari 9th Edition - Pre-OwnedThis pre-owned copy is in very good condition with only minimal wear. Contents: In-depth background on the Aeldari, from their rise and fall to the many factions that split off from their original...
Warhammer 40,000: Aeldari - FarseerMasters of prediction, the Farseers are the strangest and most visionary of a craftworld's advisors. Even in battle they can perform their divinations, casting the complex wraithbone runes of the A...