Necromunda: Orrus Spyre HuntersSpyrers are terrifying predators, wealthy scions of House Helmawr gifted with an advanced hunting rig and an array of deadly equipment. These consummate hunters care only for the kill, driven to ac...
Warhammer 40,000: Astra Militarum: Lord Solar LeontusArcadian Leontus is the Lord Commander Solar of the Astra Militarum, wielding vast armies against apocalyptic invasions, sector-wide insurgencies, and even distant campaigns beyond the Segmentum So...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: DeffkoptasMost Orks take a dim view of muckin’ about in the sky, and would much rather go to war with their feet firmly on the ground. Deffkopta pilots are one of few exceptions, hurtling into the sky to spy...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: Kill RigFew sounds are as terrifying as the cacophony of hollering, clattering, and stomping that heralds the arrival of an Ork Kill Rig. Packed with savage Orks and pulled by a colossal tramplasquig, thes...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: Squighog BoyzBipedal wrecking balls that charge ahead of the Ork lines, Smasha Squigs live in a state of near permanent concussion thanks to their tendency to headbutt everything. Only the surliest and most agg...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: DakkajetPropelled by a single, massive jet engine, the Dakkajet roars through the sky. Gunz blazing a near constant stream of bullets, tormenting fleeing infantry or enemy aircraft. Dakkajet pilots believe...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: Big 'Ed BossbunkaOrk warbosses are usually stationary for only two reasons. One is when they are giving an enemy – or an unlucky grot – a good hiding, and the other is when they are shouting at their Boyz to give t...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: Battlewagon 2021No two Battlewagons are the same, for the Meks that build them can never resist cobbling on armour plates, ramming spikes, assorted dakka, and random gubbinz. However, all are rugged transport tank...
Warhammer 40,000: Datasheet Cards - Adeptus CustodesThe Adeptus Custodes are demigods of war, sworn to defend the Emperor until death. They are among the most elite warriors in the Imperium, clad in auramite armour and wielding some of the finest we...
Warhammer 40,000: Adepta Sororitas - Ministorum Priest With VindictorMinistorum Priests fill the role of stoking the faith of warriors in battle. They often join Wars of Faith – though it is not unheard of for a Ministorum Priest to lead one. Filled with a fearsome ...
Warhammer 40,000: Drukhari Wyches 2021In the craft of murder, Wyches have no equal. In battle, Wyches feed upon screams of pain. With combat drugs coursing through their veins, Wyches roll, backflip and pirouette out of harm's way, sta...
Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Upgrades and TransfersThe Sanguinor is a mysterious figure who fights only on battlefields of paramount importance, when the Blood Angels’ need is greatest. He inspires as much courage in the sons of Sanguinius as he do...
Warhammer 40,000: T'au Empire - Kroot War ShaperKroot War Shapers are experienced battle leaders, responsible for both the composition and disposition of Kroot hunting packs in the field. They are also exemplary warriors in their own right, stri...
Warhammer 40,000: Datasheet Cards: T'au EmpireWhen the T'au Empire goes to war, they bring advanced battlesuits, faithful drones, potent energy weapons, and a host of allied races to shore up their weak spots, making their armies some of the t...
Warhammer 40,000: Imperial Agents - Inquisitor GreyfaxInquisitor Katarinya Greyfax is a powerful psyker, and her abilities allow her to detect any lie. This talent allows her to hunt with impunity, knowing that those she condemns as heretics have alre...
Warhammer 40,000: Datasheet Cards - Imperial AgentsImperial Agents are a wide-ranging and eclectic mix of specialised warriors, strategists, assassins, investigators, law enforcement, and other potential combatants that remain constantly vigilant i...
Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids: NeurogauntsNeurogaunts scuttle forward in seething masses, driven on by the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the synaptic node-beasts coordinating invasion s...
Warhammer 40000: Astra Militarum CandleWarhammer 40,000: Astra Militarum Catachan Potpourri Candle Inhale the smells of a Death World as your armies march to battle against the enemies of Mankind! Catachan Potpourri - Emits the scent o...