Battlefield in a Box: Galactic Warzones - Storage CratesBattlefield in a Box: Galactic Warzones - Storage Crates
Battlefield in a Box: Church (Ruined) - Lille, (x1) - WWII 15mmBattlefield in a Box: Church (Ruined) - Lille, (x1) - WWII 15mm
Battlefield in a Box: Caen ChurchConstructed of grey stone in the Norman style common to north-west France, the Battlefield in a Box Caen Church is not just a great addition to Battle of the Bulge battlfields, but will als...
Dungeons & Lasers: Fantasy Starter SetEntering this dungeon is a real act of courage... or stupidity. Haven't you heard about all the dangers? Then let me give you some advice. Do not touch any switches because they will activate trap...
Dungeons & Lasers: Engine RoomALERT! The operating system has been overloaded. ALERT! The alternate power supply has been activated! ALERT! A turbogenerator requires a foreman service. ALERT! All the alerts are caused by intrud...
Battlefield in a Box: Forgotten City - Buried RuinLost in the blowing sands of Eqypt or some other far off place the Forgotten City is filled with adventure, from a Mummy awakened by archeologists, to an army of the dead brought to life by a power...
Battlefield in a Box: Gothic: CratersScenery plays a vital part in any miniature wargame whether you are playing Historical, Science Fiction or Fantasy battles. The Battlefield in a Box range of tabletop-ready scenery is a quick and e...
Palisade WallsPalisade Walls are an ideal solution for terrain control. The walls are designed with superior strength and stability, providing superior protection against erosion and weathering. The walls are ma...
Lookout TowerThis pack contains everything you need to build a wooden lookout tower, suitable for many 28-35mm fantasy and historical games. The set comes complete with scatter terrain to accessorise your table...
Battlefield in a Box: Forgotten City - Silent SphinxLost in the blowing sands of Eqypt or some other far off place the Forgotten City is filled with adventure, from a Mummy awakened by archeologists, to an army of the dead brought to life by...
Battlefield in a Box: Forgotten City - Obelisk & PillarsThe Battlefield in a Box range of tabletop-ready scenery is a quick and easy way to create a wargaming table straight out of the box, suitable for any scale miniature troops to fight over. The Forg...