Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Space Marines: LegionariesNot even the Space Marines are safe from the lure of Chaos. Whether they hail from the dark days of the Horus Heresy or turned traitor more recently, these baleful warriors combine their gene-given...
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Space Marines: Havocsavocs provide the Traitor Legions with devastating anti-infantry and anti-armour firepower, dominating large swathes of the battlefield with volley after punishing volley. Such is the blood-poundin...
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Space Marines: SorcererSorcerers of Chaos shape the destiny of the galaxy with forbidden rituals and unspeakable pacts. They channel the soul-blasting energies of the warp into potent hexes and blasts of flame, as they m...
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Space Marines: Vashtorrashtorr is the Soul Forge King, a daemonic demigod of unrestrained invention and abominable artifice. When the Arkifane takes physical form, it is as a horror of pallid flesh stretched over inferna...
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Space Marines: Lord Discordant on HelstalkerA Lord Discordant is a machine-obsessed heretic who scuttles across the battlefield atop a Helstalker mount, all the while exuding a palpable aura of anarchy. His mere presence short-circuits machi...
Warhammer 40,000: Death Guard Nauseous RotboneSinister, hooded figures, Plague Surgeons drift through the mayhem of battle like ghoulish spectres of death. They were once Death Guard Apothecaries who brought healing to those who could be saved...
Warhammer 40,000: Death Guard Plague Marine Icon BearerSworn to Nurgle’s service, Plague Marines have disgusting, rotted bodies that stink of decay. The putrescent slime that oozes from their sores corrodes armour and boils away skin, yet despite their...
Warhammer 40000: Chaos Space Marines DiceChaos Space Marines are genetically augmented transhumans who seek only to conquer, slaughter, and despoil. They pursue their Long War with pitiless brutality, slaughtering any who stand in their p...
Warhammer 40,000: Datasheet Cards: Chaos Space MarinesThe Chaos Space Marines go to war armed with corrupted versions of the already-potent weapons and wargear they used as loyal warriors of the Imperium. They're accompanied by foul daemons, twisted w...
Warhammer 40,000: World Eaters: Kharn the BetrayerKill! Maim! Burn! This is Khârn the Betrayer’s mantra, and it has become infamous across the Imperium as a harbinger of carnage to follow. Khârn embodies the eightfold path of Khorne – as the ancie...
Warhammer 40,000: World Eaters: Angron Daemon PrimarchAngron is the Red Angel, Lord of the World Eaters, the Daemon Primarch of Khorne. Raised as a slave in the brutal fighting pits of Nuceria, this maddened demigod sought glorious death in the battle...
Warhammer 40k: Thousand Sons - Exalted SorcerersTwisted arcanists, wicked of intent and strange of form, Exalted Sorcerers have an encyclopædic knowledge of spells and are able to bend reality to their desires. Amongst their number are warrior-m...
Warhammer 40,000: Death Guard - Typhus Herald of The Plague GodTyphus, Lord of Mortarion’s First Plague Company and Host of the Destroyer Hive, is the most feared of all Plague Fleet commanders. From his ancient ship, the Terminus Est, Typhus spreads contagion...