Warhammer 40,000: Orks: DeffkoptasMost Orks take a dim view of muckin’ about in the sky, and would much rather go to war with their feet firmly on the ground. Deffkopta pilots are one of few exceptions, hurtling into the sky to spy...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks: NobzThe Orks call their ruling caste Nobz. Nobz are bigger and scarier than other Orks and revel in cruel or casual violence. Nobz lead by example, plunging into the thick of the fighting and breaking ...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks - Ork TankbustasOrk Tankbustas live for the big kill, preferring to wield a rokkit launcha in battle as opposed to the choppas and sluggas more commonly associated with their race. It is their role on the battlefi...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks - Ork Warboss with Attack SquigA towering slab of muscle, teef and bad attitude, a Warboss leads the charge from the very front, with glee. With klaw, fist and dakka this green behemoths bulldozes a bloody path through enemy lin...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks - Ork Nob with Waaagh! BannerThe Orks call their ruling caste Nobz. Ork nobility is determined not by some accident or birth or sparkly heirloom but by the sheer size and belligerence of the Ork claimant. The only Ork bigger a...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks - Big Mek with Kustom Force Fieldig Meks are chief engineers and inventors, taking to the battlefield with frighteningly powerful contraptions to protect allies and destroy enemies. Their innate genetic knowledge is crucial to the...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks - Ork weirdboyWeirdboyz are the most psychically powerful of all Orks as they act as a focal point for the psychic energy generated by their greenskin comrades. Orks are generally pretty rowdy, and as a result t...
Warhammer 40,000: Orks - Ork MekOrk Meks are eccentric inventors that possess a natural ability for creating wotzits and fixin' gubbinz. From building deadly dakka from scrap to creating wobbling bubbles of force to protect da bo...